The Facility Service has been praised by the external services that supervise ENAP processes, standing out significantly in the quality of the service and the methodology to prevent any type of work accident.
Among the main technical functions provided by Facility, the following stand out: logistical support, optimal solutions for contingencies, technical inspection and traceability in all supply procedures. Another notable task within the contract is the technical inspection service for food in ENAP casinos, carrying out exhaustive control so that the quality is optimal and the calories consumed by the workers are as stipulated.
Metaproject is certified under the international standard, ISO 9001; ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, promoting the continuous, safe and sustainable development of the organization. Likewise, we have been certified under the NCH 3262 standard, on gender equality and reconciliation of family, work and personal life. On the other hand, the company holds a distinction from the Chilean Safety Association (ACHS) given its commitment to safety with workers by achieving more than 5 million human hours without accidents with lost time in the different services throughout. throughout the country