Internal and external audit of updating and maintenance of the Chilean Standard NCh3262

Equality is fundamental by which all people have the same rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Equity consists of taking personal circumstances into account and establishing concrete actions to correct the disadvantages so that everyone can start from an equal position. Therefore, labor organizations are a very important network for cultural change.

In this sense, the Metaproject SGI team is updating the new version of NCh 3262:2021. Both the internal and external audits will allow us to know how far we have advanced in the implementation and level of maturity of the gender equality and reconciliation management system (SGIGC) in our company and generate continuous improvement in the processes in the areas of management of people, work and infrastructure.

As Metaproject, we are working to reduce gender gaps. This certification implies giving a visible face to our clients, collaborators and communities, we are concerned with reducing gender gaps, increasing economic participation and the progress of women in the labor market of our country.

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