CEO de Metaproject invitado Comsión de Mineria de la Cámara de Diputados

CEO of Metaproject invited to the Mining Commission Chamber of Deputies

The CEO of Metaproject, doctor in mining economics and civil mining engineer Manuel Viera Flores, participated together with the lawyer and renowned specialist in mining law Gastón Fernández, in the session of the Mining Commission of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies on July 1 of this year. Dr. Viera was invited in his capacity as President of the Chilean Mining Chamber. In this instance, both specialists presented their positions regarding the accessibility of lithium, supporting the initiative for the State to assume a more regulatory than operational role in the lithium industry and the promotion of the creation of public-private alliances to attract investments in the development of added value in the lithium industry.

We invite you to watch the session at the following link and review the presentation of both specialists.

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