Advances towards sustainability

The NCh 3262:2012 Standard means the ratification of the organizational commitment to the development and well-being of people, promoting the creation of work spaces free of gender bias and equal rights and opportunities within the organization.

The main milestones imply a paradigm shift regarding equal treatment between women and men.

“Internally, at METAPROJECT S.A., we are applying the best practices in co-responsibility and conciliation for the collaborators. In this sense, we encourage collaborative family tasks. For example: We promote meeting times for parents for both mothers and fathers who require it. Among other measures, we seek co-responsibility so that historical habits do not only fall on the mother”. Lorena Penna, in charge of the Quality and HSECQ area of ​​METAPROJECT S.A..

These benefits are arranged to achieve both labor and family reconciliation for male and female workers. However, the greatest challenge at the internal level is to implement the policy for each of the collaborators. To achieve this, the system needs to have a degree of maturity and a sense of commitment from those who make up Metaproject.

In accordance with the operational and legal requirements of the gender equality and conciliation system 7.2.1, the management system is made up of a set of documented processes, procedures and policies.

This set defines the way in which the organization guarantees:

✔ Equal opportunities between men and women in access, permanence and remuneration for work.
✔ The reconciliation of work, family and personal life.
✔ Safe and violence-free work environments.
The next challenges in the Quality and HSEQ department are to create more effective and efficient controls, given that good labor practices improve the management system. As a goal we must achieve gender equality in a sustainable way.

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