- Mining-metallurgical feasibility studies
- Geological exploration projects and prospects
- Design and operation of open pit mines
- Design and exploitation of underground mines
- Operational planning, short, medium and long term
- Strategic planning and business models
- Infrastructure studies and business models
- Infrastructure and logistics studies
- Design and progress of tunnels and underground works
- Geotechnical engineering – rock mechanics
- Mineral Flotation
- hydrometallurgy
- Crushing and Grinding
- Filtering – Solid and Liquid Separation
- Conduction and Tailings Dam
- Mine Planning and Geology
- Production Planning
- Underground Mine Design
- Open Pit Mine Design
- Mechanical Preparation of the Ore
- Site Closure and Recycling
Quality, efficiency and sustainability are the basis of our studies
Concentration Plants, SX/EW Leaching, Cyanidation, Agitation, Percolation, Gravitational.
Metaproject, por décadas ha desarrolla soluciones y planes de operación y expansión de faenas mineras, integrando los más altos estándares de seguridad y salud laboral a nivel mundial. Contamos con especialistas reconocidos en planificación minera y que han hecho suya nuestra filosofía de una minería planetaria, sostenible, inclusiva y que lleva desarrollo a los países, con un irrestricto respeto por el medioambiente y las comunidades.
We are committed to operational excellence and the sustainability of production processes, with strict control and supervision of occupational safety and environmental issues.
- Mineral Flotation.
- Hydrometallurgy.
- Crushing and grinding.
- Filtering – Solid and Liquid Separation.
- Conduction and tailings dam.
- Mining Planning and Geology.
- Production Planning.
- Underground Mines Design.
- Open Pit Mining Design.
- Mechanical Preparation of the Mineral.
- Site Closure and Recycling
- Leaching.
- Battery Management.
- Solvent extraction (SX).
- Electrowinning (EW).
- Molybdenum plants.
- Metallurgical Balance (Plant Evaluation).
- Reliability and Process Safety.
- House of Reagents.
- Wet Network and Driving Solutions.
We have extensive experience in copper, molybdenum, gold, iron and non-metallic deposits and mines.
We are a Village of Knowledge
We encourage integrated work and constant collaboration between professionals in order to share generational and specialty know-how, to find the best quality-cost-sustainability solution for our clients.
We have developed our own applications to control projects efficiently and with the fulfillment of commitments in terms of deadlines, costs and quality.